#FIAConnect 📹, portfolio investment news 💰 and why travel will never be the same 🤔
What we've been up to:
As Gabi says in this post on LinkedIn, we're looking forward to presenting at #FIAConnect next week! You'll hear from the programme team, the ATI and our sponsors Boeing and GKN Aerospace, as well as our 9 startups from cohort 1, and potentially some news about cohort 2, too...
Do you have questions about the programme? Do you want to discuss your startup, idea or anything else? Chat to the programme team - we’d love to help! If there are no suitable slots, email us and we’ll find some time for you.
News from the network:
How has global travel changed and what awaits tourists as we re-emerge from lockdown? We spotted this interesting video (and article) on the Economist.
Congratulations to cohort 1 members Septillion for being invited to this year's virtual Symposium!
ABA portfolio company Gravity Sketch are hiring for a Unity Tablet Engineer at the moment. Could that be you, or someone you know?
"With [an] ambitious goal and drive to support innovation in sustainability, Plug and Play is proud to announce its investment alongside Volvo Cars Tech Fund, Total Carbon Neutrality Ventures, and SYSTEMIQ into [ABA portfolio company] Circulor."
If you’re a startup founder (or you know someone who is) interested in applying for our next cohort, please follow us on Twitter to learn about our revised application dates. Please also join our #FIAConnect presentation at 4pm BST on 23rd July to learn more!
If you’d like to talk to the team, you can sign up here for an Office Hours call.
We are also always looking to hear from potential partners, investors and stakeholders on how we can create the best programme for aerospace startups in the UK. If you’d like to have a chat, please get in touch!
For more information, please contact the ATI Boeing Accelerator team:
Gabi Matic (Programme Director):  gm@atiboeingaccelerator.com | linkedin.com/in/gabrielamatic
Wil Benton (Venture & Ecosystem Director): wb@atiboeingaccelerator.com | linkedin.com/in/fatkidonfire
Ksenia Kurileva (Programme Associate):  kk@atiboeingaccelerator.com | linkedin.com/in/kseniakurileva